The Society for Advancement of Criminal Justice is proud to announce that it has successfully completed its project of sending recommendations for the amendments required in the major Criminal Acts of the nation to the National Committee of the Criminal Law Reforms constituted by the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Govt. of India. The Society undertook this work as per the
direction of the University and collaborated with the School of Criminal Justice & Administration (SCJA) at the University.
The 5- member National Committee of the Criminal Law Reforms, chaired by Dr. Ranbir Singh, invited experts in the field of criminal law to participate in the consultation exercise through an online consultation mechanism and the Society provided its recommendations in regard of this invitation.
The society in total recommended changes (including additions, deletions and substitutions) in around Ninety Sections of the Indian Penal Code, The Criminal Procedure Code & the Indian Evidence Act. For this exercise, the university formed NUJS Core Committee for Criminal Law Reforms under the chairmanship of Prof. (Dr.) N.K. Chakrabarti, the Vice Chancellor of the University. Other members of the Core Committee included Prof (Dr.) Kavita Singh who was the co-coordinator of this entire project, Prof. (Dr.) Dipa Dube, Professor at Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law, IIT Kharagpur, Prof. (Dr.) Kumar Askand Pandey (Associate Professor at Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow), Mrs. Sampa Karmakar Singh (Assistant Professor at NUJS), Mr. Surja Kanta Baladhikari (Guest faculty for Criminal law at NUJS) and Mr. Deepanshu Agarwal, a third year student at NUJS and the convenor of the NUJS SACJ, who also acted as the student coordinator of the project. This core committee constituted by the university organized several rounds of virtual consultation with the experts belonging to departments of all major stakeholders of the Criminal Justice System. This group of experts included Judges of High Courts, Lawyers, Special Prosecutors, Representatives of NGOs engaged in victim rehabilitation, Academicians, Police officials, etc. The recommendations made by these experts were discussed, debated & deliberated by the members of the Core Committee. The final report was prepared after substantial contributions from the student researchers selected by Prof. (Dr.) Kavita Singh and the members of the SACJ.
The final document containing the recommendations can be accessed at:
The Executive Summary of the recommendations can be accessed at:
We at SACJ would like to thank NUJS for giving us an opportunity to undertake this project. We would also like to thank Prof. (Dr.) Kavita Singh, members of the core committee, the SCJA and the student researchers from the General Body, without whom this project could not have been completed. We hope that the report successfully influences members of the National Committee as we as a nation attempt to reform the Criminal laws that govern us and have a major impact on all our lives.